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Turning IT green, one lease at a time

Today, environmental sustainability is no longer a choice; it is a necessity. As businesses strive to reduce their carbon footprint and adopt eco-friendly practices, one area that often goes overlooked is IT procurement. 

In this blog post, we will explore how leasing IT equipment can contribute to a more sustainable environment while offering numerous benefits for businesses.

Reducing E-waste:

According to the UN’s fourth Global E-waste Monitor, the world’s generation of electronic waste is rising five times faster than documented e-waste recycling.

E-waste, any discarded product with a plug or battery, is a health and environmental hazard containing toxic additives or hazardous substances such as mercury that holds the potential to cause adverse effects on human health and the environment.

The rapid pace of technological innovation leads to frequent upgrades and replacements of IT equipment, resulting in a significant amount of electronic waste (e-waste).

Leasing IT equipment with a lifecycle approach allows for the responsible disposal and recycling of outdated devices, reducing the environmental impact of e-waste accumulation.

Extending Product Lifecycles:

As stakeholders in our global economy, we need to ensure we extend the life of products and materials to minimise the use of resources and reduce our impact on the climate.

At InnoVent, we strongly believe in this principle, and through our leasing solution, we encourage the reuse and refurbishment of IT equipment, prolonging its lifespan and reducing the need for new manufacturing.

By maximising the use of existing resources, businesses can minimise their carbon footprint and contribute to a circular economy.

Carbon Offsetting:

Since the middle of the 20th century, annual emissions from burning fossil fuels have increased every decade, from close to 11 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year in the 1960s to an estimated 36.6 billion tons in 2023 according to the Global Carbon Budget 2023.

carbon offset broadly refers to a reduction in these GHG emissions – or an increase in carbon storage (e.g., through land restoration or the planting of trees) – that is used to compensate for emissions that occur elsewhere.

Some leasing providers offer carbon offsetting initiatives as part of their leasing programs, allowing businesses to mitigate the environmental impact of their IT operations.

Through carbon offsetting, businesses can invest in renewable energy projects or conservation efforts to balance out their carbon emissions.

Energy Efficiency:

While ICT equipment has become more energy efficient in recent years, computers, peripherals, and data centers still use significant amounts of energy, especially if they are left on constantly. 

The ICT sector consumed about 4 percent of global electricity in the use stage, representing about 1.4 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2020.

Today, estimates of the ICT sector’s share of global carbon emissions vary across the literature, ranging from 1.5 to 4 percent.

The concept of energy efficiency refers to the ability to get the best results in any given activity by utilising the least amount of energy resources possible.

Leasing offers organisations the opportunity to upgrade their equipment to energy-efficient devices that can lower their electricity bills and decrease their overall carbon emissions.

Promoting the Circular Economy

Current technology cycles are increasing the demand for natural resources with limited recycling options, resulting in a “take-make-use-dispose” linear model. 

Implementing circular economy business models – “take-make-use-reuse” - can help companies lower their overall environmental impact.

Leasing fosters the principles of the circular economy by encouraging the reuse, refurbishment, and recycling of IT equipment. Rather than following the traditional linear model of production, consumption, and disposal, leasing promotes a more sustainable approach where resources are kept in use for as long as possible.

This not only reduces waste but also conserves valuable resources and energy.

Businesses are increasingly recognising the importance of sustainability and environmental responsibility. Leasing IT equipment presents a compelling opportunity for businesses to reduce their environmental footprint and promote sustainability.

By embracing leasing, businesses can contribute to a greener future, minimise e-waste, extend product lifecycles, and conserve resources. Together, let's turn IT green and pave the way for a more sustainable environment.

For more information, get in touch with our team today.


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