With the large-scale roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine last year, more employees are working within a hybrid model rather than exclusively at home as they were in the earlier phases of the global pandemic. As we navigate this new world of hybrid working, businesses need to be agile and empower employees to work efficiently – both at home and at the office.
The hybrid work structure allows for the flexibility to alternate remote working and office-based working. In a hybrid work model, employees also have greater freedom to decide when to do what. They can choose to do more taxing work when they're most productive. For example, some employees work best in early hours of the day while others find it easier to concentrate on challenging work in the afternoon or evening.
The last two years have defined the need for businesses to be more agile. As businesses adapt to hybrid work, many employers are wondering: What does the ideal workplace look like now and what measures should be implemented to support employees in reaching their full potential while also protecting the bottom line?
Helping employees work effectively and deliver seamlessly
Empowering your employees to make hybrid working a success requires setting them up to learn, grow, work efficiently and deliver seamlessly from wherever they are. Since the start of the pandemic, not only has the structure of the working environment changed dramatically, but employees have come to expect more from their employers than ever before.
As each business is unique, providing the best work space begins with understanding how your employees work and equipping them with the tools and IT equipment they need to succeed in delivering their work efficiently and to a high standard.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to optimising the hybrid work structure with business tech. It depends on what makes the most sense for your teams, what your employees are telling you, and what’s best for the company moving forward. You need to make sure your remote workers have the equipment they need by investing in fit-for-purpose business tech.
The best business tech for hybrid working
So, before you go ahead and buy new IT assets, have a few candid conversations with your employees to explore which tools would make life easier and help them accomplish their deliverables successfully. Then find a service provider who can assist you in acquiring the best business tech for your hybrid working needs.
For example, it may be a better idea to use leased equipment, rather than buying it. Initial costs are much lower in comparison to buying the equipment outright. Payments will also be predetermined and fixed, making it easy to balance budgets. When paired with an asset management component, leasing also assists with the essential facilitation of lifecycle management practices.
At InnoVent, we have come up with a turnkey solution to finance and manage a spectrum of standard and specialised equipment that you will need to run your business effectively. Unlike conventional financing, we offer subsidised finance. Meaning, you will get full usage of the equipment over the leasing term without having to pay the full purchase price.
In addition, InnoVent’s asset management solution assists organisations with the management of their assets during the duration of the lease and our reverse logistics process eliminates the hassles of storing and disposing obsolete assets. This end-to-end solution will see your assets through their entire asset life cycle from procurement, to maintaining your assets while they are in your environment, and the eventual disposal of those assets, with flexible replacement options.
Get in touch to discuss a customised solution for your business needs.